ive been collecting pretty much any glass jar ive used for whatever.[one of those is a spaghetti jar]. ive started using them firstly to put my necklaces in! i really like the way the pearls look in them.
crafts are consuming me right now...
and anything pretty. or pretty and vintage. and handmade things!!!
so ive been trying to prettify the living space.
i painted a water color picture yesterday and worked on a chalk drawing today.
ive been making lots of like macrame bracelets since i got back from camp. one of the leaders brought a ton of hemp and string and i made like 3 bracelets there!
i plan to mod podge a vase pretty soon. i also eventually want to do some sewing and embroidery projects.
also, i want to buy everything on anthropologie? haha and ive seen so many other cute stuff in other places. heres some cute stores:
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6801310&order=§ion_id=&page=2 [theres an adorable salt and pepper shaker set here...]
i cant wait until i have a place of my own to furnish!
but heres some things ive added recently to where i live now:
heres a photo of a chalkboard my dad gave me a while back that he got from a thrift store. point is it doesnt work as a chalkboard and that really sucks cause i wanted a chalkboard so i just stuck some polaroids on it and im gonna hang it up.
heres a photo of my dying lavender plant....im trying to keep it from dying, right now its kind anot reviving or getting worse...
heres a photo of my new basil plant :)
and lastly heres a photo of a US map I got form cracker barrel a while back. i loovee the way maps look and i could stare at them for hours. i hung it above my bed :)
Wow, just lovely. You have a great sense of style. :)