Saturday, May 22, 2010

date night

i had a date with viktoria last night. haha
she came over, we ate homemade teriyaki sauce with veggies and rice. then we went to the theatre downtown and saw date night. it was pretty good! i loveeee tina fey AND steve carrell :)
then we went searching for a coffee shop but couldnt find a decent one open so we settled for dennys. i got coffee and drank it which wasnt a good idea because i got all jittery. hah :D but it was a fun time!
i had some photos developed recently :)
heres my friend, driving us to prom!

1 comment:

  1. Date night is an amazing movie. :-) Carrell and Fey make a great duo. I really like your photography. I wish I could do film, but all I have is a cheap digital camera that I try and make the best of.
